/* LINE: dlg;line_no;sentence1;sentence2| ;{cond} (This statement is optional)
/* LACT: dlg;line_no;{cond|comm} (This statement is optional)
LINE: 10;1;I'm on a mission to destroy the universe.; ;IFRF 23,3=0
LACT: 10;1;RESP R,10,Oh, then you must be Erica Evermore.
LACT: 10;1;RESP R,10,I've heard a lot of you and your mission. I wish you luck!
LACT: 10;1;SETRF 23,3=1;DSET 10,N1,+7;EXIT
LINE: 10;2;Why are you in jail?; ;IFRF 23,4=0
LACT: 10;2;RESP R,10,I'm an alien from outer space. I came in peace to this planet.;RESP R,10,All I wanted was the marijuana but they put me into jail.
LACT: 10;2;SETRF 23,4=1;DSET 10,N2;EXIT
LINE: 10;3;This spacecraft in front of the hotel, is it\yours?; ;IFRF 23,5=0
LACT: 10;3;RESP R,10,Yes, it is.;SETRF 23,5=1;SETRF 23,6=0;DSET 10,+4,N3;EXIT
LINE: 10;4;Would you borrow me your spacecraft for a while?; ;IFRF 23,6=0
LACT: 10;4;RESP R,10,Ok, you can use it when you bring me some marijuana.
LACT: 10;4;IFCARR 43;SETRF 23,6=1
LACT: 10;4;SETRF 23,7=0;DSET 10,-4,+5;EXIT
LINE: 10;5;Would you borrow me your spacecraft when I give\you a joint?; ;IFRF 23,7=0;IFCARR 43
LACT: 10;5;RESP R,10,Yes, do you have one?;EDLG;HANDLE HIGH;BOBON 3,126,82,RIMG17;W 24;PUT 43,U,0;HANDLE -1
LACT: 10;5;RESP R,10,Here you have the key for my spacecraft.;BOBON 3,126,82,RIMG17;W 12;HANDLE HIGH;W 24;PICK 29;HANDLE -1;BOBOFF 3;RESP R,10,Be carefull with my spacecraft, please.
LACT: 10;5;IFRF 23,8=0;IFRF 23,3=1;RESP R,10,By the way, you should visit Onius Ant.;RESP R,10,Onius Ant is very wise and he probably can help you to destroy the universe.;RESP R,10,He lives on a planet surrounded by a red ring not far from here.
ACTION: 8;IFOBJ ROBJ4;MOBJ;SAY A seatlike bowl, fixed to the floor and connected to a pipe.;CIMG SIMG23;SAY Come on, you know what this is used for.;EXIT
ACTION: 8;IFOBJ ROBJ1;MOBJ;SAY There is a loose brick in the lower row.;HIDE ROBJ1;SHOW 23,194,103,RIMG4;SETRF 1=1;EXIT